Page 13

  “Tell me something,” he said with a grin.


  “You don’t happen to have any odd hobbies I should know about before we go out tonight, do you?”

  “Too late,” she said. “We’re already out. But you don’t have to worry. All I have is a really small leather whip collection. And I almost never bring them out until at least the second date.” That said, she flashed him a smile and stepped past him, making her way back to the truck.

  He watched her go, the alluring sway of her behind drawing his gaze like a magnet. He couldn’t help but chuckle. Whip collection. Now that was funny. Kelsie wasn’t the wild, leather whip toting kind of girl. Of course, she didn’t seem like the type to crawl out of a strip club window either.

  She turned and winked at him from the open passenger side window, kicking his heart rate up several notches. Was it possible she wasn’t kidding about having a whip collection? He had to admit that his curiosity was definitely peaked. There seemed to be only one way to find out for sure. He had to get to that second date.


  “Mexican is my favorite,” Kelsie said with a smile as they pulled into the parking lot of a quaint little Mexican restaurant just on the outskirts of downtown Columbus.

  “I know,” he said. “You mentioned that you enjoy spicy, southwestern food when I called to confirm our date. That’s why I decided on this place.”

  “I didn’t expect…”

  “Would you rather eat somewhere else?”

  “No. This place looks really nice.”

  He shut off the engine and turned to her. “Then what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I just can’t believe you did this for me.”

  “I wouldn’t have asked you what kinds of foods you like if I didn’t intend to use the information when making our dinner plans.”

  She studied him for a long moment. “You’re different than any of the men I’ve dated.”

  “Considering the last guy had you climbing out of a two story window, I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “It was meant that way.”

  “Damn,” he said as he stepped out of the truck.

  She watched him walk around to her side. “Damn?” she asked as she opened the door to join him in the parking lot.

  “You’re killing my bad boy image. You know that, don’t you?”

  The harder he tried to pretend he wasn’t perfect, the more perfect he became in her eyes. She’d never been so attracted to a man before, not even Kyle. But she wasn’t about to tell Cole that. No sense leading him on. This date was a one-time thing.

  “Sorry,” she told him with a grin. “By all means don’t let me interfere with your attempt to be a ‘bad boy’.”

  They walked up to the entrance where Mexican music played out from an overhead speaker. Cole opened the door and then paused, as if intending to hold it for her. Then something closely resembling mischief flickered in those dark eyes and he stepped inside, leaving her to manage the door on her own.

  She followed him inside, not the least bit phased by this bad boy game he was playing with her. “Nice try.” Truth be told, this was the most fun she’d had on a date in… Well, in her entire life.

  “There’s no trying to it,” he said with a wink. Then he reached for her hand and led her over to the hostess stand. “Before this night’s over, you’re going to see that I’m really not the perfect guy you make me out to be.”

  “You’re going to have to try a little harder to make that happen.”

  “The date’s just beginning. There’s still time.”

  Just then, a young woman dressed in a long, brightly colored skirt and a white peasant-style blouse hurried over to greet them.

  “We have a reservation for dinner,” he told her.

  “The name on the reservation, please?” she asked with a welcoming smile.

  “It’s under Maxwell,” he told her. “Party of two.”

  She glanced down at the reservation book lying open on the wooden counter and then back up at Cole with a practiced smile. “Your table is ready, Mr. Maxwell. Please follow me.” Grabbing two menus and a basket of tortilla chips from behind the counter, she led them into the dimly lit dining room.

  Candlelight from the surrounding tables flickered off the terracotta walls while bold, Aztec-looking designs in shades of red, yellow, blue and orange fell in random patterns across the taupe carpet.

  Kelsie whispered as he helped her into her seat, “Are bad boys normally this polite?”

  “Only when they’re distracted by a beautiful woman,” he whispered back and then made his way around to the chair across from her.

  Smiling, the hostess placed the basket of chips on the table and handed them each a menu. “Your server will be right with you. Enjoy your meal.”

  He leaned back in his seat, his gaze fixed on Kelsie as the woman walked away. “Oh, I fully intend to.”

  “Will you stop that?” she chided.


  “Flirting with me.”

  “Can’t help myself,” he said, that lone dimple begging her hand to run over it. “Have you ever been here before?”

  The question had her tearing her captivated gaze from his mouth and looking around the room, taking in the colorful hand-woven rugs that hung on the wall between shelves lined with clay pots, piñatas, and fancy sombreros. “No.” She turned back to Cole. “Have you?”

  He shook his head. “No. Joe suggested it.”

  “Nanci said they’re going out tonight.”

  “Without her bag of goodies?” he said with a grin that had his dimple deepening even more.

  She blushed at the mention of the sex-toys she and Cole had collected from the sidewalk outside of her office on their way there. “Joe’s safe for tonight. Unless she takes him home with her. She’s got an entire curio filled with her ‘toys’.”

  “I don’t think Nanci’s sexual arsenal collection would bother Joe one bit. The guy’s got the major hots for her.”

  “It goes both ways,” she said reaching for her menu. “She really likes him. At least what she’s learned about him via the phone calls they’ve been sharing.” Nanci and Joe weren’t the only ones who had the hots for someone. The more time she spent with Cole, the ‘hotter’ she got.

  “Must be some interesting conversation going on between them,” he muttered as he glanced over his own menu. “I’ve never known Joe to take so many cold showers.”

  “Nanci has that effect on men.”

  “She’s not the only one.”

  Her pulse skittered wildly. Was he implying that she… No, she thought, giving herself a mental headshake. She must have misunderstood him. She wasn’t the sort of woman who drove men to take cold showers.

  “You know,” she said, looking everywhere but at him, “between the music and the authentic decor, I feel like I’m vacationing at some resort in Mexico.”

  “You could be.”

  “What?” Her attention shifted, focusing solely on Cole.

  “If you’d like to be sitting at a resort in Mexico, I could make that happen. How do you feel about Cancun?” he asked as he grabbed a tortilla chip from the basket. “I’ve got vacation time still available for the taking.”

  She couldn’t tell by his expression if he meant what he’d just suggested, or if he was just playing around with her. The man did like to tease. “You’re not serious.”

  He plunged his chip into the salsa. “Sure I am.”

  “You hardly know me.”

  “I know enough,” he said, taking a bite of the salsa coated tortilla chip. “And don’t forget, tonight I’m breaking out of my too-perfect shell and showing you my bad boy side. So, in answer to your question, the offer still stands.”

  Her stomach fluttered with the possibility of spending a week or even a weekend at some beach resort with Cole the bad boy. Who was she kidding? Even Cole the good boy made her hot, no matter how hard she tri
ed to fight it. They were sitting in the middle of a busy Mexican restaurant, surrounded by papier-mâché animals and clay pots, and all she could think about was doing the naked cha-cha with her date.


  Her gaze shifted to the toothy grin that had moved across his handsome face. “Yes?”

  “What are you hungry for?”

  You. “W..what?”

  He nodded to his left where a waitress stood waiting to take their order and asked, “What’ll you have?”

  “Oh, sorry.” She looked down at her menu. “I think I’ll have a chicken burrito with a side of Cole cake.”

  “Cole cake?” The waitress leaned over to peer at the menu in confusion.

  “I believe that would be corn cake,” he clarified with a chuckle. “And I’ll try the steak fajitas. Hold the guacamole. Oh, and we’d like a side of con queso dip, please.”

  As soon as the waitress collected the menus and hurried off toward the kitchen, he leaned in across the table. “Cole cake, huh?”

  “Don’t let it go to your head,” she warned in a hushed whisper, and then quickly followed that up with, “Either of them.”

  “Too late.”

  Her eyes widened and her pulse quickened. He was really good at being bad.

  “So about Cancun…?”

  “I’ll think about it.” The words were out before she could stop them.

  “Good.” He reached for his drink and sat back smiling.

  What was she thinking? She couldn’t go to Mexico with him. Not with those seductive tropical nights, sugary beaches, and crystal clear water. And definitely not with Cole lying around bare-chested under that hot Mexican Caribbean sun.

  “I can’t go,” she blurted out.

  “That was quick.”

  “I…uh, my mother wouldn’t like me flying off with a man I barely know.”

  The humor glinting in his dark eyes told her he wasn’t buying her excuse. “Then I guess you’ll have to go out with me again, so we can get to know each other better.”

  Ooh, she had stepped right into that one. Fortunately for her, the waitress arrived with the spicy cheese dip he had ordered for them saving her a response.

  They exchanged small talk about their families, jobs and themselves as they ate the appetizer Cole had ordered for them. There was no denying the sexual attraction sparking between them. Thankfully for her, he had let the subject of Cancun drop. At least, for the time being. And it was a good thing. Cole had no idea how close she’d been to accepting his impromptu vacation invitation.

  A few minutes later, their server returned with their dinners.

  “Mmm…it looks so good,” Cole said with a hungry groan as the woman placed his plate on the table in front of him. But it wasn’t his meal he was looking at. He was looking across the table at her.

  “It sure does,” Kelsie heard herself reply, despite the fact she hadn’t so much as glanced at her plate either.

  He looked away just long enough to thank their server. Then the woman walked away, leaving them alone once again. His attention shifted right back to her. “I wonder if they taste as good as they look.”

  With his gaze fixed to intently on her mouth, her first instinct was to wet her lips with her tongue. But her mouth had suddenly gone dry. “Maybe you should taste them and find out.”

  That seemed to snap Cole out of his lip-induced trance. “W…what?”

  “Your fajitas,” she said. Or my lips. God help her she was seriously attracted to this man. All the effort she put into controlling her desire where men were concerned was quickly going up in smoke.

  He cleared his throat and straightened in his chair. “Uh, yeah, my fajitas.” He reached for a flour tortilla, filling it with steak, grilled onions and peppers, some lettuce, cheese and a dab of sour cream.

  It was clear she wasn’t the only one affected by whatever this thing was between them. “Well? How is it?”

  “Good,” he muttered between bites, then nodded toward her still untouched plate. “You might want to start eating yours before it gets cold.”

  She’d been caught ogling again. Damn. Kelsie tore her gaze away from that strong jaw and firm lips and reached for her fork, cutting into her corn cake.

  “As good as it looks?” he asked as the fork slid from her mouth.

  She looked up at him from across the candlelit table and grinned. “Best Cole cake I ever had.”

  He gave a husky chuckle, shaking his head. “How any man ever let you get away is beyond me.”

  The bite she’d just taken caught in her throat, wedged in there just above the knot of emotion that had suddenly formed. She reached for her glass.


  She waved his worry off. “I’m okay,” she said, her words strained.

  “I didn’t say that to upset you.”

  “I know.” He wasn’t like Kyle whose standards she never could quite measure up to. “I was just thinking that it was pretty easy for my ex to let me go.”

  “What happened?” He frowned. “You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to.”

  “No, it’s okay. Kyle simply moved on to what he considered bigger and better.”

  “Well, bigger isn’t always better,” he told her. Reaching across the table to cover her hand with his own, he stroked the back of it lightly with his thumb. “Kyle was either an idiot, or blind, deaf and dumb, because it doesn’t get any better than what he let slip away.”

  His words touched a part of her that hadn’t been touched in a long time. Her heart. Her experience with Kyle had left her unwilling to risk letting anyone close again. Cole wasn’t the first man to say flattering things to her since her divorce, but his were the only words that ever felt truly genuine.

  She pulled her hand away and grabbed for her purse, standing up from the table. “Excuse me.”

  His tender smile faded away. “Kelsie?” He started to stand.

  “No, don’t get up,” she implored with a soft smile. “I just need to make a trip to the little girl’s room.”

  Apparently satisfied with her answer, he settled back into his chair and watched her go.

  She made her way out of the dining room as fast as her white leather sneakers would carry her, needing to put distance between herself and the only man who ever made her think of hot sex, a house with a yard, and babies all at the same time. Something that had never happened with Kyle. At least, not all at once.

  And the sex with her ex had never been all that hot now that she really thought about it. But something told her it would be with Cole.

  She slipped into the bathroom and moved along the row of bright red stall doors, making certain she was alone. Then she reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone. Her fingers trembled as she punched in Nanci’s number.


  “Oh, thank God, you answered,” she said with a sigh of relief as she paced the tile floor.

  “Kelsie? What’s wrong?”

  “Everything. Cole picked me up late for our date.”

  Nanci laughed. “Typical man.”

  “And he was wearing these horrible fake hillbilly teeth,” she continued, ignoring her friend’s amusement at Cole’s antics. “Then he had the nerve to suggest that bag of battery eaters you had me pick up for you at the office belonged to me.”

  “What?” her friend gasped at the other end of the line. “You let him look in the bag?”

  “What bag?” a male voice repeated in the background.

  “It’s nothing,” Nanci told him and then whispered into the phone. “I can’t believe you showed him what was in it.”

  “I didn’t have to,” she said in her own defense. “Your little goody bag slipped from my hand and spilled out all over the office sidewalk.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  “Oh, shit is right. Remind me to strangle you for that little incident later.”


  “I should let you get back to your date with Joe.”
r />   “He can wait. Now talk.”

  “I sort of need your help.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re stuck in a tree again.”

  “No, I’m not stuck in a tree again.” She turned to see a woman standing beneath the restroom’s arched entryway, her questioning expression brought on no doubt by the tree comment.

  She smiled at the woman who immediately disappeared into a stall with a resounding click of its latch.

  “Kelsie, you still there?”

  “I’m here.”

  “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  She turned toward the mirror and lowered her voice. “I had to get into that big truck of his all by myself and Cole hasn’t opened one single door for me all evening.”

  “Like I said, typical man.”

  Her friend was so wrong. There was nothing at all typical about Cole Maxwell. “He keeps looking at me like I’m about to be his next meal.”

  “Why that jerk! How dare he find you sexy?”

  “Whose side are you on anyway?” she muttered in irritation.

  “Sorry. Where are you?”

  “At this wonderfully romantic Mexican restaurant near downtown Columbus,” she replied with a sigh. “It’s been the best date of my life.”

  “Hold on a moment,” Nanci cut in. “Are we still discussing the same date we were a moment ago? The one you’re on with Cole?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Now you’ve totally lost me.”

  “Don’t you see? He’s trying so hard to screw this date up so I’ll go out with him again.”

  “Blame it on the wine Joe and I have been drinking, but I don’t get it.”

  Kelsie leaned over to check her lipstick in the mirror and then fidgeted nervously with her hair. “The last thing I want to do is fall for a guy who is the complete package.”

  “When did a guy being everything a girl’s looking for become a bad thing?”

  “Since my divorce. I made that mistake once before and look how things turned out. You know that’s why I didn’t want to go out with Cole in the first place. Yet, here I am. And I certainly had no intention of falling for another guy who seems to be everything I want in a man.”

  “Whoa. Back up a sec. Did you just say had?”